BARRY RABINhas been engaged in the private practice of law for more than 30 years. He is a graduate of the Widener University School of Law, where he graduated with honors in the top 5% of his class, and the University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton School of Business.
His primary areas of practice include:
Estate Planning, Wills & Trusts
Estate Administration (with or without a will)
Elder Law (including nursing home asset planning)
Powers of Attorney & Health Care Directives
Auto Accidents & Personal Injury
Residential Real Estate Purchase & Sale
Prenuptial Agreements & Premarital Asset Planning
He is a member of the:
American Bar Association
Pennsylvania Bar Association
Chester County Bar Association
Chester County Estate Planning Council
Chester County Inn of Court
His outside interests include:
Humor & Op-Ed Writing
Following (and writing about) politics & current events
Folk/Acoustic Music & Songwriting
In addition to his law practice, Barry has been a frequent guest columnist and Op-Ed contributor to newspapers large and small. His writings have appeared in such publications as The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Philadelphia Inquirer and Main Line Today. His bi-weekly humor column, "You Can't Be Serious," appeared every other Sunday for seven years in The Daily Local News. He is also a semi-regular guest co-host on the WCHE "Morning Magazine" show, heard on AM 1520.